Distracted driving is now well-ensconsed in people's minds as a threat to
road safety. Campaigns to get people to put down their phones and concentrate
on the road have had an effect. Now, most drivers realize that texting or
talking on the phone while holding it in their hand can divert their attention
from what's in front of them. However, texting and phone use are not the only
causes of distracted driving. Anything that pulls your attention away from the
road can lead to distracted driving -- even your own attention span.
When you drive, you have to pay attention to the road, the cars around you,
traffic signals, signs, potholes, and a host of other issues. Take your
attention off the road at all -- in other words, become distracted -- and you
could end up reacting too late to stop an accident.
External distractions include getting lost in texting or web surfing on your
phone, paying more attention to switching the radio station, reaching into your
purse, trying to stop your dog from attacking the gearshift, picking up that
soda from a cupholder, and even just talking to the passenger next to you.
Texting alone increases your chances of getting into an accident by 6.1 times, and that is among the smaller increases,
according to the National Academy of Sciences; imagine how many more accidents
are due to those additional distractions.
You can have internal distractions, too. Daydreaming and being tired are two
big contributors to distraction. Even if you aren't fully drowsy, simply not
paying that much attention to the road because you want to get home fast and
nap can be distracting.
If you have been in an accident that involved distracted driving, you must speak with a lawyer immediately. Contact Eisenberg Law Offices at (608) 256-8356to discuss your case. Do not head to court on your own.
This post was originally published at https://www.eisenberglaw.org/distracted-driving-its-more-than-texting/
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